A blond beautiful female flight attendant with gold glasses, an accurate hairstyle and an artistic chignon back close to neck is preparing everything for a take-off. The runway is changing for a city and the city is changing for the clouds. We are flying up. Terezka and Klarka catch my hands. It makes them stronger and more secure, when the aircraft is gaining altitude and we will be shortly in heaven. They see glim in my eyes because I have our picture as a bookmark.
I am finishing reading of Mawer’s Glass Room. Even if a story is composed of a different history, cultural and social life of a rich family is changing when the Second World War comes to their lives, David star on their clothes and cattle wagons full of people, it reminds me at times of my destiny. Obviously, in a completely different context.
It is due to that house that is the centre of the story.
Our house is the centre of mine. We do not build a modern work of art as the Villa Tugendhat. Nevertheless, the house is now an anchor in a troubled sea. Every new wall and every other wall where you can see dusty smudges and a dirt in the old part are like me.
Not full, not finished, one part used and destroyed, other part with a hope of better times.
We are flying in the clouds. We are close to you. We are very close to you. To stretch the hand and feel you. I would wish so. Only a touch.
The Glass Room is the second book that I am able to read since your departure. Terezka put our common picture in my bedroom next to a computer when I was back from the hospital. She knew I would need to rest. At least a little bit. She knew I would be sorry that you would not caress me when I would need it so much.
We raised very good girls and we can be proud of it. Each of them, Anicka, Klarka and Terezka have a bit from you that reminds me of you. Each a bit different and it should be so.
We are flying to the Czech Republic after a very long time. We have holidays but it is different. In the past, we drew or flew, as we wanted. We through luggage in the car or took it to the airport. Coronavirus time has changed everything.
Airports are strange places, not as lively as before. You would be surprised. Maybe you would like it. I am only not sure if you would get used to a mask over your face. You would not enjoy it.
I am always surprised how a big machine flies as a bird with branding wigs. Even if I know all physic and mechanic reasons, I am still surprised, how it is possible. The picture is also from an airport. I will try to find out with girls which one it is. I think it is Mauritius. We were waiting for a flight there, after vacations a few years ago.
I was never able to call Cartigny HOME previously. Now I do.
You wanted it so much. You succeeded.
When we will be away, Anicka and Vincek will take care of the garden and the house. They are so kind and will do it well. As best as they could.
I have a strange feeling while we are leaving this place. As if, the place attached me. As if flowers, grass and vegetables were a silent remorse that I have to take more care of them and not leave when they need me.
We exaggerated it with tomatoes this year. We have about a hundred plants. We will see what we do about it. We will invite people from the village to collect them. You were the biggest consumer of vegetables and fruits. You would be thrilled. We are collecting products of what you have planted. We had already cherries, apricots, peaches and apples this year. We were happy about blueberries, current and gooseberries.
Something has to be still identified. You would know it. It looks like a blueberry, tastes like a blueberry but it is not a blueberry. It is a bit long and delicious.
You would enjoy it in front of the house this year. There is a sunflower field. It will be beautiful when all sunflowers turn their heads towards the sun, which you see already closely. I will make a picture for you. I will show the picture to everyone who is reading the letter that I am writing to you.

Geneva/Prague, 12.7.2020