To say “I go for a bit of jogging” could mean anything. It could be fifteen minutes around sports ground for someone. It could be “orienteering” for someone else (I am not sure if this term is used anymore – it was running in meadow and forest trails with a compass when I was a schoolgirl – I am not sure if anyone know what a compass is today). I had my compass in a blue cover and I liked the needle. Jogging was with me when I felt in love and following years since it could not have been different with Petr.
Klarka is also passionate about jogging. She has started something worth noting yesterday. She went to tell me that she would like to try 24-hour jogging. It does not mean that you have to run for 24 hours. You have to run as much as you can during this time period. It would be at the best 40 minutes for me by “an Indian run”, e.g. changing walking with pretended running after short periods of time. Klarka is a different level. She takes it seriously, does not underestimate preparations and she does not give up even if it is so enjoyable in the bed.
Her idea was to start at 0,01 hours on Monday morning. The weather had a different view. There was such a thunderstorm with pouring rain, she would be soaked to the skin. Instead of 0.01 am, she started at 2 am. The air was smelling so nicely after the rainstorm and it was not hot yet. As a mother, I do not discourage but rather encourage. Even if sometimes my children have strange ideas. Klarka prepared a reflective vest to be seen at night, as well as reflective tapes for her legs and headlamp. She also taped her legs with a blue tape. This was not done some years ago but it must be admitted that it could help.
Petr would be happy. It is not surprising I am also proud of my daughter. If I think what I have done when I was eighteen, it did not look like this. Klarka’s result is already known. She was running more than six hours and her running shoes have swollen more than 36 km. She was running a nice trail, around the place where we lived previously, vineyards, simply everywhere where her legs have taken her.
I am happy that she is like this. Even if it is said that kids only look in their mobile phones today. Sometimes it is so. Klarka too has sometimes a day like this and then she has a different day when she is pursuing her goals with perseverance. To run such a distance, to have a courage to do so, even to just have such an idea – it requires a lot. It requires will, perseverance, joy from running and a bit of adventurous spirit.
We had one person like this at home. He hugged and kissed me every time when he finished his jogging. I did not mind his sweating forehead even if the running smell is only for strong characters. All partners of runners would subscribe to it.
Let us see the next challenge. Klari, you are the champion. A big kiss from your mum is guaranteed.
Cartigny, 17.8.2020