Normally, I would go with Peter and ask him: “Buy a dryer, the one we have is not functioning anymore.” Petr liked to devote time to these things. He liked to study important information about the product whether it was a watch for running, skies or climbing shoes. He thought about different options and compared them. Well, an analyst, not like me.
We do not have normal conditions anymore, so I am choosing a dryer, washing machine and other devices. I am experienced in choosing material for construction, firms to renovate a house. I have no clue with respect to devices. I do not like catalogues and comparing parameters. I do not prepare tables in Excel (I am not able to do so) in order to find out which product is the best. I like to solve problems immediately and not to postpone them for another day. No long preselection. Sometime it can be challenging.
While I had workers from the Czech Republic in our house, I had to manage as many things as possible. I had a long list of items, including cabinets, shelves, instruments, things to drill, fix, buy, throw, go to collecting yard – once, twice, three times – since I cannot manage it as non-driver. I am not sure to manage even as a driver since to drive a two-meter long carriage is a tough nut to crack even for experienced drivers.
I had to buy a dryer and a washing machine, since the one we have went off. One week a dryer, another week a washing machine. While there are companies who can deliver them, it is a bit different in our house. Everything should fit to the construction and therefore we had workers from the Czech Republic. I planned to use them for both, to connect it as well as to transport it from the shop.
I ran into the shop as a mad person. I did not care about a mark but about the size to fit into the small bathroom. I needed a size of 45 cm maximum. There are not many like this. I was running around the shop and measuring and measuring. You would check it on the Internet but I like to see it real and touch it. I was happy. I found what I was looking for. I am approaching the shop assistant.
I say: “I would like this dryer and the washing machine.”
An immediate problem – the washing machine should be ordered.
I say: “It is here in the shop.”
A response: “This is an expo model.”
I say: “I do not care. I take the expo model.”
A response: “It is not possible.”
I have shown my teeth and said: “It is. I have a carriage and a driver only for today. Please prepare both – a dryer and a washing machine – TODAY.”
It has happened. I am calling Mr. Peter that all is set and we can bring everything in the evening. We have brought everything home. The next day was a montage. Mr. Jarda and Peter have started to unpack devices from the boxes and to ask tricky questions, like the following:
“The dryer is condensing or with a water going to a waste pipe?”
You could have knocked me down with a feather. I had to admit that I do not know. I was so happy in the shop to find the right size that I did not think about other issues.
I do not think about such petty things. I am a bohemian. I think these devices should know everything and adapt to every situation, as I do. I have to flexibly react to every life challenge, so why a dryer or a washing machine cannot do so too?
I consider devices as my partners in our common life and I expect the same from them. We start to look into it. I am checking the place where dryers usually have a part for condensation of water. Nothing. I look around. Nothing. I am sweating.
Uff. It ended well. My dryer was merciful, only wanted to tease me a bit. It has a container for the water right in the door. It is well masked. I forgave it for trapping me. I was pleased to find out that I may speak Czech with it. I have a few booklets as instructions for use. I have to set everything electronically. I can even control it over the phone. However, we are not that far in our relationship yet.
Cartigny, 22.10.2020